Mar 02, 2007 18:05
YES its me AGAIN
are you tired of hearing from me yet?
lets hope not
but TOO BAD i'm still gonna post!! mwahaha.
not much..i feel like i should post daily..but someteimes i dont even have the comp! or anything fun to write. but anything that comes to my mind is better than nothing right? RIGHT youare.
k...what to write what to write...
i HAD sth i thought of sth in class today but i forgot what it was.
umm...guess what?!
2 days...till march 4.
i have actually been thinking about this the past month.
its 1 year from march 4 since we left for laos.
and i've been thinking about laos a lot lately...
we watched a dvd in sociology called Why We Fight and it talked briefly about America going into countries and when Laos popped up i felt really sad. it reminded me of seeing that bomb ornament in Muang Ngoi and the little boy with the shirt that said bombshells from the secret war? or something like that.
when the oscars was on last week..i remember NOT watching the oscars last year cuz we were in laos! and jason told us the winners.
then that made me think of touy and mr.sak and the village...
its been 1 year!!
i've actually people have been doing?
i recently went on northbynortheast site and found that jason touy and mr.sak are all still working there...but i thought that touy and mr.sak were'nt a part of that. cuz they were tour guides..maybe after our trip they got hired? hahaha. i dont know!
but ban sopjam...i wonder what stitch looks like! and how everyone is...and sad to say but i sometimes think about if anyone has died...i bet there has..and there are probably new little babies! and if we go back..if people will remember us.
i wonder if any of those younger workers on the school that we worked with...bun lom, bun la, daget, tong and the others (i'm starting to forget the names! noooooo)...i wonder if they got married? they marry younger right? i wonder if bun la still thinks about sara ko hahaha.
i wonder what the steps look like and if they made a water reservoir tank and if a lot of tourists have discovered that magnificent tiny little village that is so dear to my heart.
i hope it hasn't become saturated with travellers all the time that the kids lose their innocence and start asking strangers for gifts like those 2 little girls from Muang Ngoi.
i know we played a part in giving those gifts...but i just hope that they dont expect these from people.
i wonder if stitch still fits in my "I like to live the Ocean Life" neon green t-shirt?
or if he handed it down to another kid? and how the school and the toilets are...? is there more than one teacher now? i hope the girls...sarah's posse plus others and boys don't have to walk that far every day to get their education.
i wonder...there are SO many things i wonder...and think about...
it still consumes my life even now.
sadly...i am starting to forget words and experiences. i wanna get together with all the ppl and just reminisce...the KEN stories! hahaa. or just anything...and have it on record so i will never ever forget this life changing experience.