(no subject)

Feb 15, 2010 22:51


This annoys the HELL out of me.

Isn't this the scenario that those protesting idiots said would happen if we kept corporal punishment in the classrooms? "Oh, we must ban caning and discipline - it tells kids that violence is okay"... Well, it's banned and kids are allowed to run free without fear of reprimand. And look what's happened!

What makes it worse is that the people who say that corporal punishment is wrong and bad are the people who grew up with it when they were kids. If they mucked about in school they got a whack with the ruler on the palm of their hand and, by God, they knew not to act up again! Did this turn them all into thugs who think that violence is okay? Of course not! Their hyprocrisy at being the sole example as to why their statement is wrong makes my head hurt!

There is such a clear correlation between the decline of punishment against bad behaviour in kids and the rise of unruliness, thuggery and general ass-hattery that I can't believe no scientist or behaviourial expert has pointed it out yet!
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