but linda i didnt say anything to you.. and you just randomly say that to me. im thinking that you are the one that needs to grow the fuck up. seriously.
wtf? seriously.. you cant say shit to me either.. all you can do i cry like a little bitch and give people dirty looks. And all your little comments are getting you no where. So you might as well just stop now.
actually i dont need any help and i love it when u guys prove my point.....u both say why do i care if katie hangouts with ryan or whoever...exactly i dont but why do u care what i do...my point exactly. yeah right im hardly a petifile. oh and jackie oh i am so sorry that i spelled a word wrong. and dont worry katie u dont have to let me know anything i dont care. i dont care about either of u. oh also jackie do u think ur gonna get me fired or something? u must be the biggest jealous bitch to do something like that....but if the shoe fits.
oh just to let u know not that u really have the right to know katie or jackie but me and phil arent together so maybe u should get that facts straight. and u dont know what the fuck i been through with him or anyone else so shut the fuck up with what u think u know.
hey linda.. if you dont care about us then why the hell do you keep commenting about stupid shit. you keep bringing up shit from the past. things that happened like weeks ago. Im done seriously. we both told each other we dont like each other. we know that you n jackie hate each other. its done. IM DONE!!
Alright i decided right now was a perfect time for me to argue. Just when i thought all this shit was over it started again. Alright linda it isnt any of your business who i hang out with. I have been friends with katie longer than ive been going out w/ amy. So if that means anything to you not sure. Also... i am not sure why i had to get brought into this i understand your arguing with katie so try n keep my name outta your mouth or off your screen should i say. I know you didnt directly say my name but me and katie hanging out has nothing to do with why katie or jackie dont like you. People are allowed to not like other people thats the way this society works so get used to it. About the whole head thing... Thats your choice.. I mean if you wanna give everyone head thats totally up to you i dont have a problem with that but please keep my name either directly or indirectly outta your mouth and off your screen cause i dont go around running my mouth about you so please dont do the same.. Thank you
i am sorry ryan and i didnt wanna say it thats why i did it the way i did but i was trying to prove apoint of why should katie care what id od i dont say shit about u two hanging outwhich they say who cares if she does anyway, right i dont but i was proving a point i dont care what she does so why care what i do.
Comments 16
yeah right im hardly a petifile. oh and jackie oh i am so sorry that i spelled a word wrong. and dont worry katie u dont have to let me know anything i dont care. i dont care about either of u. oh also jackie do u think ur gonna get me fired or something? u must be the biggest jealous bitch to do something like that....but if the shoe fits.
i apologize now if words are spelled wrong bitch
Amy i love you =>
but seriously though everyone loves a head whore.
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