Xmas is a special time to me, because it's not only Xmas but also my parents' wedding day ♥ . I cant spend this special day with my parents cause of my studying in other city. But my wish for Mom and Dad will never change: "And they live happily forever ♥ ".
Wish all my dear friends in f-list a merry Xmas! Take care of your health cause the weather is very cold (esp in Europe ^^) Let's enjoy lovely songs in Gift - the present from our Eito.
Last but not least, a wish to our prince Uchi Hiroki ♥ Though you used to say in magazine that you were not very interested in Xmas and you usually spent this day at home with your 2 children Leon + Maron (raise eyebrows) , but anyway wish you all the things you wish ^^ Keep smiling neh and have a warm Xmas beside your family/ friends/ dogs "_" .