Though I'm extremely exhausted cause of going out all day + translating for my love, I still have to trudge my way to dear PC to write this entry! Yes, this entry is special for a very-devoted-subber who always uses the pretext of subbing to insult other bands, even fans of these bands, named
Newshfan! (Oh so I'm more polite than her when I still
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This entry is just my pouring feeling, and after this entry, I believe I will never mention to her anymore! cause all my feeling for her will disappear too, and my heart is too full of love for our love to think about her again!
About News, I know there're a lot of people who really did it! They hate News just because of her! But my dear friend, if I ignore her, I wont be influenced by her ^^ And there's no way I hate or love a band cause of her! So please set your mind at rest!
As you know, English and Japenese are not my mother tongue. Though I've been studying Japense for 3 years but my ability to hear is not good enough to create a subteam! (though I really want to do it). Everytime I watch a show of Eito or Uchi, I also understand, but just enough to catch what they're saying, not get the total! That's why I only devote to Uchi about translating from mags/ articles...
And one more time, thanks for your lovely saying about me in your entry! You know what, it made me feel much relief!
"Hug you"
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