Though I'm extremely exhausted cause of going out all day + translating for my love, I still have to trudge my way to dear PC to write this entry! Yes, this entry is special for a very-devoted-subber who always uses the pretext of subbing to insult other bands, even fans of these bands, named
Newshfan! (Oh so I'm more polite than her when I still
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and because no one of us - who don't understand or know Japanese >_< -can find this errors ! we depend on her totally :s
- but i really felt it so much in many videos especially when it comes to ryo chan & eito !!,but i was denying thinking that it maybe my big love towards them that makes me so protective ! ,but now you assured my suspicions !!
you should really think about correcting this mistakes dears, if not for her then for poor Viewers to be aware of it T_T , also for who deepened only on her to re-translate to other language !
i was literally strain my hair out trying to make sense out of Ryo's SCP Episode that i need to re-translate to my language, because i can't believe sometimes that he (or someone in eito ) could say what was written ! i even pm her to ask about some things that i totally didn't know what to do about !,(and to be honest she kindly reply back as fast as she can with explanation)
that's why i always try my best to search for different sources for my Arabic translations -__-, because really it's a honesty that we carry on our shoulders as translators!, because i - without any intentions - control the viewer by my words & translations, because they can not understand the original language , so i have to be a thousand time careful than usual when it comes to delivering some things to others
i can't transfer even one information that it's not right !, and when I'm not sure of it , i simply say so ! i tell others to not depend that it's 100% accurate! but saying nothing even to translator him\her self it can makes things worse , everybody can commit mistakes in translation,it's not only newsfan I'm talking about.
by the way,when i reviewed her entry about "ousama" interview today,strangely she actually deleted some of the harsh words which was written yesterday (the last part when she mention the suspending period and so)and just left the neutral parts when she said that she dislike him and that she doesn't see any point in Such and such..etc, i don't really know if someone told her that her last high lights was horrible & abusive towards the young man or she just felt that she over reacted about the poor kid that gives him 3 lines of insult! but i think it's good thing anyway
you know what? although i really think that a tender & sweet rose like you should not low herself to the standard of haters,and that a loving kind heart like yours shouldn't let others dye it with even one dark spot , but i really respect that you express your feelings in a decent way by making it public entry not private or friends only and the most important that you make it English despite it's not your mother tongue ^ ^,because you just don't afraid of something \ someone and you just hate those irresponsible behavior of others and want to cry out loud !
that's why i couldn't write this looong entry in my journal in my language - as i didn't usually write pure English entries in my journal ^ ^- so i make your life horrible instead by my talkativeness XD (shy face)
when someone hurt me badly in something i love ,it's make me love him more & more,and make me show everyone around me how amazing & charming he is with all my heart - just like what you've did in that fabulous mermaid entry ^_^-
it's - even with the pain & anger - a special moment for all uchi's fan to gather here and to be united in one altitude towards something - beside the deep love for beloved uchi ♥ of coure ^ ^- ,somehow it really comforting to be around someone who feel the same as you ♥:) god bless all my dears ♥♥
and please please don't hate my lovely NEWS because of her T_T,those young men are really lovely & adorable boys and deserve to be loved (cry),also our pink boy really loves them ^_^
sooo sorry - again !- for my horribly long comments,don't hate me..ok?(cry) i will be good girl next time (shy face)
have a great night full of bright uchi's dreams ♥♥~ ^_^
This entry is just my pouring feeling, and after this entry, I believe I will never mention to her anymore! cause all my feeling for her will disappear too, and my heart is too full of love for our love to think about her again!
About News, I know there're a lot of people who really did it! They hate News just because of her! But my dear friend, if I ignore her, I wont be influenced by her ^^ And there's no way I hate or love a band cause of her! So please set your mind at rest!
As you know, English and Japenese are not my mother tongue. Though I've been studying Japense for 3 years but my ability to hear is not good enough to create a subteam! (though I really want to do it). Everytime I watch a show of Eito or Uchi, I also understand, but just enough to catch what they're saying, not get the total! That's why I only devote to Uchi about translating from mags/ articles...
And one more time, thanks for your lovely saying about me in your entry! You know what, it made me feel much relief!
"Hug you"
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