(no subject)

Jun 29, 2009 12:26

hey LJ , i have been a ghost for the past two years!
lol, well i should clean up the groups or w/e

michael jackson died yesterday....and it was weird.-- i have a lot of things to say to this but i'm rather drained about the subject

anyways, so IKILLEDYOURDAD,is awesome lol i promise ill be back on lj now
michael just made a LJ, and he's such a fucking fag because he bitches about how he doesnt have any friends who have lj...and i look at him and say hello your girlfriend is right here...and shes the one who told you about lj......
i seriously think he could careless to add me-or thats how i feel.

i'm take classes in the summer, in summer A i took two classes P.E and Math and i got B and a B which is awesome
or i can say I got a B in both booooya.
i must say i fixed things with one of my best friends, we were pissed at each other but it cooled down for the most part!

oh yeah i'm in love with conventions, i fucking LOVE conventions...lol i feel at home <3
i went to supercon 2 or 3 weeks ago, and it was fantastic.....it was big and bruce cambell was there (i dont care for but i love how it was a big crowd because of him)
i have a shit load of pictures on facebook that i shold put onto this  journal entry perhaps i willl

ljs pretty cool so ima do it

grr ill just upload later ( ps, i hate how my grandmas house doesnt have dsl, it seriously makes me feel handicapp since i love the interwebs)

i need a fresh look to my journal and i guess a new icon, what says you? i think i do!

harry potter and the blood prince is coming out, i must see it! i hope its good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

anyways, for some reason i wanna dress up tonight...and go out somepplace....i dont even know why..i try to mention that too allen but i dont think he is in the mood to do anything.... i talked to liz and she says she can do someting at 10:00 pm , but damn i have to wait that long?
i have no car, i feel stranded at my grandas house, i seriously HATE feeling like this. actuallly today woould be the best day to pick aup my car from the shop except my father keeps forwarding my phone calls...wow i feel so loved - so my ex visited south florida the other day, and i was a little bit afraid to see him, i didnt know if i had those old feelings i had for him in the past...when i saw him though i was happy too see him but i dont love him the way i did...i kinda lost respect for him because of his behavior
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