(no subject)

Nov 06, 2011 20:01

Player information

What should we call you?: Eee!
Your age? Less than half a century by 20 years.
How did you hear about us? We are just curious. Well somebody told me
You had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year

AIM/Email: Give us some way to contact you. AIM: JackOfHartsHeart || Email: plasticjack@live.com

Character Information

Character's name: Richard Edgar "Rick" Castle. Usually goes by, Castle, or Rick or Richard.
Character's LJ : "myjobpaysbetter"
What fandom is your character from? Castle! Season 3 finale (Sounds reasonable.)
Age: Let's see.. Umm..42ish?
Birthday: April 1, 1969

Character Stuffing

Character personality: Castle is a child. It's really that simple, but I'll elaborate. He seems to be in most situations tends to be have like an overly excited 12 year old. He is arrogant, but in a charming and humorous sort of way. Has a distinct lack of tact in sensitive situations. He enjoys his fame and has an amazing sense of humor. He is a best-selling author, man's man, ladies man and man about town. He is nearly as famous for his 'news' worthy activities as he is for his books, if not more so. As a writer he as an extremely active imagination and at times gets a bit bored with the 'real' story and tends to make things up as he goes.

Castle lives with his mother an daughter. He is the sort of parent that people wish they could be. Supportive and protective, but not overbearing or controlling. In fact, many times his daughter ends up parenting him more than he parents her. Rick loves his daughter and would do anything for her. It also seems that despite her father's odd behavior and slightly indulgent, extravagant life style she has grown up mostly 'normal' and well adjusted. He is very proud of her and tells her regularly how amazing she is.

Richard Castle has a good heart and he is kind. He is sarcastic, and has a bit of a 'White Knight' complex. He loves a good damsel in distress, but is perfectly willing to allow said damsel be the one to rescue him if he needs it. He's quick on his feet and quick to act. He is observant and often picks up on the little details that the others might miss, or aren't quite seeing. He is fairly capable of defending himself, but isn't really used to physical altercations. By his own admission he was 'in a bar fight once' afterward he's hit by as suspect and sort of flails like a girl about it. :3

Character's appearance:

Caucasian male, approximately 6 foot 1½ inches tall. (IDK yo! That's what IMDB said. Don't judge me.) Somewhere between 170 and 175lbs. With amazingly perfect, gloriously think, luxuriously amazing Chestnut brown silky perfect hair. Castle has crystal clear gorgeous blue eyes, and fantastically expressive magnificent ruggedly handsome features. He can say so much more with his face/eyes at times then he can with words. He is most commonly seen wearing a full suit and tie, at times just a suit jacket and shirt with jeans. (He also always has the most amazing scarves.. SCARVES just djflajkfla.) When at home he wears more casual clothing.

Abilities: Castle is a writer and therefore blessed with a snappy wit, and vivid imagination. He has the ability to look beyond what everyone else sees and piece together the bigger picture from all the little pieces. This makes him a fairly valuable asset to the NYPD, even if they try to pretend like he isn't. He's charming, personable, and knows EVERYONE or it feels like he does. That's because Castle is amazing and everyone secretly loves him.

Quick to act
Wonderful father
Excellent friend 
Great sense of humor
Very protective of the ones he cares about.
Quick witted

At times tactless 
Very protective of the ones he cares about. 
Extravagant (but not extreme.) 

History: Here be his wiki, for I be lazy.


First person:

Beckett.. I.. [His own voice startles him from his restless sleep, and he blinks awake, rubbing his eyes. Castle stretches in his bed as he opens his eyes.

Waiiiiit a minute..

Not his bed. His brow arches as he glances around the unfamiliar room. Funny he doesn't remember how he got here. Or who he went home with for that matter. Not exactly an unfamiliar feeling, but yet unsettling. He rolls over to sit up. Well, it's not the Four Seasons, but the room isn't terrible. The furnishings are fairly decent.

Blue eyes search the room for anything that might be familiar. Well, his clothes are there at least. Saves him the trouble of having to search for them. May as well give it a few minutes see if anyone comes back. At the moment, though a bit uneasy he's not in a hurry. Besides, Beckett should be calling soon and he can figure out what's going on from there.

Speaking of..

Where is his phone....] Probably wouldn't hurt for me to find that.. Hmm..

[Notice how he doesn't do so, at least not yet. Kate'll be calling soon, he can find it when it rings.]

Third Person Sample:

The crisp fall air hits him like a slap. He should have expected that. Castle hunkers down in his coat and scarf a bit deeper and half wishes he was back up stairs. But only half, because Beckett sounded urgent. So he's not going to waste any time on the little inconveniences of a cold day in New York. At least it isn't raining.

That's when he feels the first drops. Good one Rick, you just had to go and think about it. With a little grumble under his breath about jinxing himself, he manages to hail a cab. Thankfully, sliding into the warm seat just as the sky opens up. He leans back in the seat after giving the driver directions and lets out a slow sigh.

As bad as it sounds he's just a little bit excited to have another homicide to investigate. Another murder to help solve. Another gift of closure to a family. He gets a bit of satisfaction out of knowing that he's helping in some way. That even his 'play time' has a real honest rewarding outcome. That even Richard Castle, can be a hero in some way or another.

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intrepid, richard castle, app!

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