Dec 16, 2008 23:23
Despite the fact that I'm sure not many of you honestly care, there are times when I really just can't keep my mouth shut. This is one of them.
Now. I love fanfiction and I love fanfiction communities. I have met some wonderful people though the fandoms I write. If you are reading this, the chances are that one of us found the other through fanfiction. In fact, I can almost guarantee it because even my best friend was found in such a fashion, as our first conversation was bonding over knowing what the hell fanfic is.
There are, however, times when I feel completely disgusted to belong to a fandom or know the people in that fandom. Thankfully, these times are few and far between, but I've reached a moment when I am truthfully ashamed of the Tokio Hotel fandom. Or rather, quite a few writers that belong to this fandom. There are few, like me, who share this opinion.
Anyone who writes or reads Tokio Hotel fanfic most likely knows about tokiohotelfiction. Its a neat little site and one I'm really rather happy with. There aren't many, if any, flames and the writing is generally really good. Probably because most of the writers are grown women in their twenties rather than the younger teenyboppers most fandoms are made up of.
On this site, there is an amazing writer. She goes by FireLucy and she is a sweetheart. She has bucket loads of talent and has made a name for herself. Considering that she, unlike most of the others, is still in high school, this is quite an accomplishment.
I love Lucy. She's so sweet and her work leaves me sappy and fluffy and often takes my breath away. I thought this was the general conclusion of the community.
I'll admit I was wrong. I've always known that the lead writers, who also are the founders and several of the administrators, of that particular site have what can only be described as a clique going on. Its never really bothered me because they write well and the friends I do make are awesome. However, I believe this clique of friendship going on is pretty much the reason why "Fuzzy Winter Kisses", the reason for my anger, is beign allowed to remain posted.
Its a parody of FireLucy's "Winter Kisses" but it also makes fun of "Tainted Virtue", a fic that she's taken down because of the less-than-favorable welcome it received. While, okay, the fic was angsty and more idealistic than reality would ever be, that is the joy of fanfiction. It didn't deserve what it received.
The purpose of "Fuzzy Winter Kisses" is supposedly for "fun". Please. The purpose was to hurt, to be spiteful and mean. I don't know who really wrote the fic. I don't really want to know. There are too many writers I like and respect and if I knew, I wouldn't be able to get myself to ever view them in the same light. This is silly. Its petty and stupid and just plain wrong.
Lucy doesn't deserve this. She's just a lonely teenager who can't be herself outside of the Internet. I have been that girl and it sucks. What is even worse is when the people you trust, people you consider friends who you care about and whom you assume care about you, turn on you. She is hurt beyound belief and I cannot fault her for that. I've been there before and it hurts, it is like a knife twisting in your gut.
The writers know that they hurt her. If they hadn't known before, I made sure they did. Their only response was "If you do not know the definition of fun, we suggest you look it up, because we are fresh out of Band-Aids."
I don't understand why anyone would do that to someone else... It doesn't make sense to me. Lucy has done nothing to deserve this. She has done nothing but love the fandom. And it has hurt her, left her in a state where she is afraid to even keep posting. No one deserves that. No one.
Parody is the sincerest form of flattery... That is what they told me. Flattery, however, is not intended to hurt and this was. The writers should be ashamed. They are not, that is clear, but they should be. They are simply spiteful.
I don't really want this to become a big debate or a war or anything else. I simply am infuriated and wanted to voice my opinion. I've done so, now. I can only hope that they grow a conscious.
for: firelucy