Feb. 26 - March 4

Mar 01, 2007 19:33

     Since we only have two Rangers in my sky linkshell and now it seems like they aren't showing up, I decided that I would level my throwing this week and try to get it to the cap (which is 220). By today (Thrusday), I was able to get to 190 (started at 106 on Monday). Kuftal Tunnel's crabs get iffy on skill around that level so I decided that I would try the higher level crabs in Cape Terrigan. I would have 5+ minute fights with crabs and pugils and getting little or no skill, so I left there and was going to the B-Tree.

Didn't have a wide scanner and the only one we had came up as summoner. So because of his failure, I came up as Ranger. Only got Mother Globe and Faust. Our linkshell just camped Ullikummi but it didn't spawn while we were there.

Wednesday: Dynamis-Xarabard
Meh, I don't really like X-Bard that much when I'm in the Wed. dynamis, because I have a very low chance of even getting thief gloves. My white mage relic lotting still exists so that's what I had to try to lot on. I don't even have a relic from xbard yet. 4/5 Monk (missing Head), 3/5 Ranger (missing Body and Hands). Drops were really bad that night, for relic that is. Two 100 pieces did drop, then later that night a Beastmaster's relic gloves dropped. I always thought that in dynamis monk and beastmaster always dropped and rotted but yet I don't see it all so much, but when beastmaster relic does drop, we have other beastmaster that are higher above me so they get to have the item. Oh well.

Sky triggers didn't even happen today. People went up and everything was already cleared by RMT and DH. So they wanted try again 3 hours from our start time. Not many people showed up, so I believe that we got nothing again.

I figure from our triggers that there will be no sky gods. Doesn't matter, I'm not going to log on for it anyways.

Sunday: Dynamis-Beaucedine
Our linkshell decided to fight the larger statues for more enemies insted of farming Hydra's. Either or are fun imo. I decided to come as White Mage that night cause I didn't have sushi on me at the moment and I didn't want to mule more over. For Dynamis-Glacier, I have 3/5 Relic Armor(s); Monk, Thief, and Ranger. White and Red Mage are the last two that I could obtain for now but, probably would be awhile til I could get it. Over all, good drops: Summoner Body, Ninja Body, Warrior Legs, Bard Body, Ranger Feet.
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