so cliche and about a girl but it was worth a try? what do u think honestly?

May 04, 2005 22:15

And all I beg is that when you read this you'll blush and smile
But if you don't then that's ok because when you do
You take away the beauty from everything else pretty in this world
And until you stop grinning everything falls short of its meaning

It's people like you who deserve to break hearts
And it's people like you who influence writings like these
There you go
Finding the one good trait of a person with "beware of constant hatred" pasted to their chest
And for the last time will you please admit that their is something wrong with your mirror

If you don't believe me then borrow my eyes
And prepare for the melting of your heart when you look into yourself from my point of view
Oh and I figured out why the sun goes down
Because your actions during the day create a warmness casted upon whomever you encountered

And that warm feeling rubs off from person to person creating competition between you and the sun which Always ends with the sun forfeiting its time and ducking cowardishly behind the mountain peaks who are Embarrassed to hide such an intimidating force that has been so greatly intimidated
And I figured out why the stars only come out on nights with you

Because the night sky agrees that the prettiest thing in the world should be trampled with constant Spotlight (the stars)
And I noticed that when you return every Fall the grass grows thicker to accompany your footsteps, the
Flowers bloom brighter to please your beautiful eyes, and the leaves change colors and float throughout

The air in efforts to land amongst your presence
Such as a boy blushes and puts himself out their in attempts to fall and fall and finally land in an Enchanting place called love where the walls could cave in any second
As I scroll down the list of the perfect person I check each box with only the thought of you on my mind

And I know that someday the silhouette of your face will be used to bring peace on earth
The dictionaries hate you because they behold everything except the understated descriptions used to describe you
Your funeral would become an ocean of tears
Mine being the tidal wave that sweeps your casket rightfully out to sea

I took a picture of my smile, This is what you do to me every night
Don't worry because the only pain you've ever caused me was a soreness in my face do to prolonged smiling
Heaven can't wait for you to die, so you can bless them with your uniqueness
People are staying clear of sins for chances to go to heaven and catch a glimpse of you

And every line i've spoken, and every line i'm about to speak will do no justice of how I truly feel so I will quietly sit back and allow my jaw to drop and proclaim myself a victim of going speechless do to the girl who has the power to make leaves blush
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