a poem so deal cause i...

Jul 10, 2005 23:06

_The Woman i an sapposed to love (acroding to my dad)_

I am a biracial baby
My dad is Cuban but wants to be white
my momma is white
my dad tells me i should marry a white girl

i ask him "what would you say if me or Kathryn married a black or asian person?"
he brushes my question off with a laugh and a chuckle and asks why?

because he telss me....

the woman i am saposed to loves as porclin white skin
the women i do love have sun tanned skin

he says blue eyes, have blue eyed babies
i say if it's gods will, but i love starying into dark eyes

the woman i am sapossed to love is a size zero,
zero, i can not hold on to zero, i want a number i can hold onto and give my love to

well jokes on you dad

i love white rice

hahahahahahah it hought thatw as cool the final will be longer
alright ok cool bye
much love
soldier of god_Dave

PS. Smile. God Loves you.
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