Mar 09, 2005 22:28
a little confused right now, it's ok i'll pray about it, thank
don't know what i'm confused about, but i had another dream last night, no like three short ones hahahaha, but thats not what 'm confused.
hmmm..i want to see my girl friend cause i havn't seen her in a while.
well tonight was Bible Study it was crazy, we went to this open mic night i was going to perform but my number was 12 and we had to leave to get conrad back to work by ten.
hmm next week i'll pick the number'll be good i'll practice this song/poem i've been working on -BRAZILION-
it's really well i'm not sure what it's about, alot of stuff, faith love, and what ever i can think of when i think of when i sing it (smiles.)
ok i'm dead tired so i'm going to go to bed.
ok cool bye
PS. Smile. God Loves you.