Life is pretty good...

May 21, 2009 11:37

We are almost moved in. I know I will not be completely settled until the attic is finished and things are tucked up there properly. So until then the front porch looks like a storage locker. But my kitchen is mostly workable. I have a "home" for most of my stuff. I know things will get moved around as we figure out the flow of the room. My only frustration at the moment is that there is no under the counter cabinets besides under the sink. It's all drawers, which is kinda nice, but where do I put the slow cooker, bread maker, etc? The two big ones are going under the sink, until I get shelves in the basement or attic. But the smaller things are actually going in the upper cabinets. Oh well.

Dad is really working on the back yard. WOW! He is really going after all the brush, I am not going to have to worry about losing Ryne in the jungle back there. And the usually cranky neighbor is actually cool about Dad clearing stuff that may be on "his" side of the property line. K actually offered him money to keep going.

Oh, something I meant to mention the other day and completely forgot. We found my wedding ring. A couple of years ago, the necklace that I wore it on broke near the little hallway between the kitchen and bedrooms. I thought it was in the kitchen, we tore it apart. Nope we found in a pile of this and that, that Rob had swept up in the bedroom to toss. We were actually poking around in the pile because of an earring that caught Rob's eye. Whew. I am so glad it's found. I need to figure out a safe place for it. I want to get it fitted for my finger and add another band to it with Ryne's birthstone.

Tattoo is healing really well. No yucky scabs, just a lot of itchy, itchy, itchy flaking.

Tonight should be last bit of work on apartment...

And I have a long weekend... Ryne's is long half day today, no school Friday or Monday. Rob has Sat & Sun off, but working Monday (holiday pay). And my cousin Jeff is visiting from New Hampshire. I am hoping to get some relaxing and planting done.

tattoo, household, family

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