Been quiet...

Mar 04, 2009 17:04

First Ryne and I were on vacation...

Then Ryne (very) & I (not too badly) got sick...

Then the horde descended. Rob's sister (the youngest sibling) came to visit from Phoenix, bringing her son, Killian (9 months) and a friend (only for the weekend). At the peak of the visit we have had 6 adults, 1 child (like Ryne would miss an opportunity like this to camp out in the living room) and an infant crashed out in the living room. Sissy & Killian leave on Sunday. I am bringing her to the airport since Rob has to work after being off all week.

Gardening, pouring through seed catalogs and getting an order together for this weekend. I will be starting seedlings toward the end of the month.

Hair, seriously and I mean seriously considering dreads.

Polyness, nada, not even a real crush at the moment. Which is fine. I am content and that is what matters, right?

Raw diet, not so great. Not giving it up... but old habits die hard and it's really rough finding nice diverse produce without shopping every day and we haven't quite figured out how to fit that in. Although my morning smoothie is now a habit even if it contains yogurt at least 50% of the time.

And sort of related, Rob and I are getting into the habit of a weekly meal plan. Sort of loose but definitely have 4 - 5 meals planned out and a grocery list for. It seems to be working. Making things a bit less stressful when I walk in the door because I am not wondering what is for dinner.

Reading, reading lots of crap so nothing to gush over. LOL But have a Christopher Moore book from the library and going to reread Dark Rising by Susan Cooper. No, I have absolutely no interest in seeing the movie.

Tattoo, have goal to have my first ink (compass rose on right forearm) before my birthday. Will discuss Mermaid arm piece with artist at the time as well.

Weight, doing good. Staying steady or creeping down slowly. I am not in any rush and like the slower weight loss. What is cool, is that I've lost some girth. It's getting noticeable in my face and tummy area. Woohoo! Hope to get back into dancing and yoga once the horde has left my living room.

Witchyness / UU, need to get my ass to All Souls. Maybe next Sunday. I just need to get into the habit. Anyone want to come with me? LOL If I have a partner in crime, I am more likely to get out. Have to see what is up with the Circle. The gal in charge is going to school so it's kinda fizzled. Maybe if I offer myself up as organizer, we can get things going at her place. Hmmmmm....

Writing, I am working on a Dark Fae journal. Handwritten. I need to work on it more diligently as it's late and then scan it. Will post a link once I do that.

Also have some pictures to take and post....

Along with getting back into the habit of posting recipes and such...

Must not let Facebook completely and utterly suck all my time. Bad, bad, bad time suck.

fitness quest, garden planning, goals, creativity, family, food, dirt, tattoo

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