Jun 08, 2007 22:35
My boss's boss came by to see A-- today. She was happy and smiling and combative by turns so we retreated to the bedroom in between times. The last time she chased us off the boss man, who I have had alot of contact with because of this client, shifted uncomforatably and started this exchange:
Boss: So I was talking to B-- (A--'s guardian) today...and she's not too happy that so many men are working with her daughter.
Me: Yeah
Boss: I'm moving Ryan and Adam off A--'s case, but I don't really know what to do about...
Me: Me?
Boss: Yes...
Boss: She knows that we have a policy of non-discrimination conserning gender, and you have a history with A-- so I'm not moving you off.
Me: Ok
Boss: I just wanted you to be aware of the situation with her, and know that you don't need to be worried.
Boss: And I've talked to Chris and Chad and none of us have a problem.