Oct 20, 2006 16:20
when i get too close i get scared.
past relationships tramatized any other to come.
maybe ill be the special one that doesnt get burned?
what the fuck am i thinking
who knows. so i talked to my philosipher instead of trying to over analyze everything:
BoyHiTsBuM: do you do comparisons in ur mind
BoyHiTsBuM: Thinking about your Real self
BoyHiTsBuM: And what you "should" be
BoyHiTsBuM: and what ur expected to be"
BoyHiTsBuM: Theres 3 inner comparisions we make
BoyHiTsBuM: ur real self
BoyHiTsBuM: ur IDeal self and, what ur expected to be
HoT PinK HeaRt21: which is the most important?
BoyHiTsBuM: and if thiers conflicts in any of those 3 youll feel rather uncomfortable at times
BoyHiTsBuM: so what you do is you dont think.
BoyHiTsBuM: I think ur thinking about your Ideal self
BoyHiTsBuM: And what you think you should be
BoyHiTsBuM: ul never get there
BoyHiTsBuM: its impossible
BoyHiTsBuM: just do what u do
Smart kid i tell you