Only Yours

Jul 08, 2011 09:25

Title: Only Yours
Characters: Leeteuk | Yehsung
Genre: Angst | Drabbles (594 words)
Summary: This is when Yehsung interacts with others and Leeteuk gets jealous

WARNING:  Aggressive Leeteuk

Yehsung hated it when he is being touched - or kissed or whenever someone whispers soft lustful words in his ears as he is very sensitive. He hated it when he is being drag - and hugged randomly like he's a replacement for bears and comforts and stays still - unmoving. He hated it the most that all he can do at times like this is melt and let that waving feeling conquer him - suck him and take him whole - especially when he knows he hated the person who's doing it and yet let him take over once again - just like the old times.

"You're a whore..." Leeteuk whispers and before Yehsung can even say anything he meets up his lips with him and the older is kissing him as if he's eating him. Not like Yehsung will ever say anything back with the state his in. He is drowning.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Leeteuk whispers - but it was more like snap - because those words were in flame and Yehsung is burning. He knew Leeteuk is mad and when he's mad he's rough and when he's rough Yehsung suffers. Yet Yehsung cannot push the older away - because he's scared he can't survive without those burns.

Leeteuk nuzzles his nose in his neck - his touches going around all Yehsung's sensitive area - and then he rains kisses in his cheeks - his shoulders and chest. "When it's not Shiwon, it's Kyuhyun - and then there's also Ryeowook. What more if Kangin and Kibum were here. Do you have to share yourself with six?"

Maybe he's jealous. But Leeteuk is jealous of something he should be not. The way he talks makes Yehsung wants to shout at him and tell him he's not doing anything. And if there's anyone who's guilty - it should be Leeteuk himself.

Yehsung felt a sting in his neck. Leeteuk is biting him and it was one of those hard bites Yehsung gets. It was as if Leeteuk is losing control - but Yehsung knew he wasn't - because Leeteuk is doing this on purpose. And Yehsung shuts his eyes to forget the pains - as well as the memory of Leeteuk's face.

"You're mine." Cold and threatening. Leeteuk looks at him eye to eye and Yehsung meets those eyes. Somewhere he saw water but it lasted so fast he thought it might be his own fooling him. The guy maybe a cry baby on-cam but with Yehsung - he never dare to tear.

And then just like that Leeteuk turns around him. His kiss mark left on Yehsung - and if there's a mirror in front of the younger he'll see how obvious what happened with him. But that isn't what in his mind right now. It was those steps Leeteuk is taking - like he knew Leeteuk is not giving up on him and instead he was only on a break - they were only on a break - and Leeteuk will come back still mad and they will continue what he started once they're on the privacy of their own.

Yehsung knew they're not breaking. So why does he feel so guilty?

Yehsung followed Leeteuk's every step. And when he's a few away he reaches and grabs those arms. He hugs Leeteuk who doesn't seem surprise with his actions. Because just like the old times - it is still Yehsung who gets to say sorry and comfort and gives the older assurance. That yes - Yehsung is only Leeteuk's.

*leeteuk, *drabble

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