OMG My mind is melting!

Nov 07, 2006 03:06

I had a trippy discussion today at lunch!

Scott: Al I never really saw you as an agnostic theist, what prompted you to decide on this belief structure?

Me: Well I realized it when I tried to define god. I believe in a higher order, whether this be god or something else I can't know. But do to my increasing interest in philosophy I think that god exists because I think he does. Maybe not as some dude in a chair but some higher order.

Then I was thinking about how there is knowledge that is known to our flesh, which brings in the idea of perhaps there is a vast single consciousness of data that is in all of us. Which then can lead to what if information can be passed on. Then I wonder if this is the first "creation"? Or is it the 56th after 55 failures (Big Bounce theory), and the learned information is spread to the next beings to ensure survival?

Then maybe the "intelligent" beings of a planet are merely just the first to tap into and understand the "vat" of knowledge. Also my increased interest in the anthropic principle leads me to believe that the mind is more powerful than we think. That things exist because somebody thought of it and it became or they exist because intelligent life needed it to for survival. Like gravity, before newton there were a lot of accounts where people flew like birds, but after he defined and discovered "gravity" there is a sudden decrease. But even now there are still accounts of it.

Maybe laws of physics only exist because we need them to in order to bring order to our lives and ensure survival. Then I kinda lean into the architect idea (god), that some form of intelligence made the world because they wanted it or because that's what they thought it should be and they would be able to change the world. Perhaps we all have this power collectively or maybe just one person. Or maybe it's somebody else all together.

Now on the subject of god, maybe god exist just because or maybe because we needed god to exist. Or maybe god is this collective of information that is everything and because of that "everything" just knew how to be. But because of this I believe that god exists, I can not claim to know god truly nor can I prove that he does exist so I don't. I don't believe in the word of man and the contradictions of the church (nothing personal against the church though, they cool and shit, they do what they do). Since I have empathy and am slightly optimistic I think that whatever god is, god is kind and wants humanity to survive as best it can.

Oh and then sting theory about the parallel worlds. Because of that I don't believe in time paradox and stuff. Then if energy can't be created or destroy, the amount of energy in the universe is finite and would have to be recycled. So maybe souls are used again here, or maybe heaven and hell are merely just other plans of existing...? I don't know, I had a mindfuck last weekend, a lot of alone time....

school, ideas, theory

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