Well it's official, I pretty much have this new job in the bag. So far I've nailed the interview that I had in June, and I passed the drug test and physical. Now I have to go today and get fingerprinted and have a background test done. Oh I haven't even explained what the job is yet. The position I've been hired into is as a Child Care Worker for the state of Michigan at a state mental hospital. Which considering how the economy and job market in Michigan has been this is a blessing. The job probably doesn't pay what's normal for somebody with a BS from an University would usually make starting off but I figure it's a good stepping stone and hopefully one thing will lead to another. But here are some of the perks of this position.
- Full health, eye, dental benefits
- AFSCME(union) Represented
- 1430 to 2239 work schedule
- Will give me valuable experience
- As a state worker I get to apply to internal job vacancies which gives me better opportunities with state jobs
- Retirement packages
I start on Monday at 0800 sharp. For the first three weeks I'll be on an 0800 to 1430 schedule for my orientation period. I just test drove out there to see how long it would take in rush hour traffic to get there. I left at 0620 and had no traffic so I got there in under a half hour. And on the way back at around 0700 traffic had already started to back up. So rather than cut it close what I figure I'll do is leave the house at 0620 and get there an hour early, then I'll stop at the Einstein Bagel shop down the road and have breakfast and chill for an hour. But I'm very excited and I have to email some other people to spread the news so wish me luck and hopefully I do good at this and make some bank.