Jan 02, 2008 00:27
Where did you ring in 2007? -- At Whitneys like always.
What was your status on Valentine's Day? -- This past Valentines day was the snow and ice storm of the year. I was still in a relationship, but didn't see the person till a couple days after.
Were you in school any time this year? -- Yes. I was at CSCC.
How did you earn your keep? -- It was still at the DeLias call center, and then in February it changed to Caribou Coffee where I'm currently at.
Did you ever have to go to the hospital? -- Yup. I slipped on the deck and sprained my ankle pretty badly.
Ever encounter the police? -- Nope.
Where did you go on vacation? -- I went to Florida with my mom and Jenn.
What did you purchase that was over $500? -- Haha nothing. Unless you count books, but still my parents paid for that :p .
Did you know anyone who got married? -- Nope. I think some peeps from High School did, but no one I'm close too.
Did you know anybody who passed away? -- Nope.
Have you run into anyone from high school? -- Er...Yes. Last night at Whitneys was insane! I miss my peeps :)
Did you move anywhere? -- Nope.
What sporting events did you go to? -- Umm Columbus Crew soccer games...and I think thats it.
What concerts did you go to? -- I don't think I went to any. I wanted to go to Jingle Ball and Rock on the Range. Oh rascal flatts at the fair!!! But even that is a tainted memory.
Are you registered to vote? -- No..I fail.
If so, did you fulfill your patriotic duty on Nov. 7th? -- :(
Where do you live now? -- Same place as always.
Describe your birthday. -- I'd rather not remember the month of June. :) All in all it sucked most horrible.
What's the one thing you thought you'd never do, but did in 2007? -- Go back to a cheater.
What's the one thing you regret about this year? -- Ha, one thing. I'll given you a million guesses, and you'll only need one.
What's something you have learned about yourself? -- I control my outcome. I'm stronger than I thought I was or could be. I've learned to be more independent from others.
Any new additions to your family? -- noooooo way.
What was your best month? -- I'd say December just because of last night. This year has been pretty horrible.
What from pop-culture will you remember 2007 by? -- Britney Spears/ Jamie Spears- preggo/ all of them in rehab.
How would you rate 2007 on a scale from 1 to 10? -- Less than a 3. It was horrible.