Apr 10, 2007 19:19

What did you guys do for Easter?
 I went to Rochester with Mike on Saturday, we had some drinks with some friends. It was this really nice Japanese Plum wine called Fu-Ki. After that we stayed at his house the night. In the morning it was Easter so Mike's mom and his little sister Rachael woke me up, then I watched Mike and his twin Jim find their  baskets. Afterwards we visited some of his family and later went to dinner at this really fancy restaurant. Mike was so good to me. At one point I was shivering because it was cold and I had left my sweater in the car. With out telling me he got up from the table and ran to the car to get it for me. I'm not used to such nice treatment.

I love his family so much too. They are all so great. He says his family loves me too which seriously makes me so happy. Afterwards we drove back to Alfred and went back to his room. Mike had bought a bottle of Champagne and we opened it up and toasted "to us".  Then we watched  the HBO show "From The Earth To The Moon"  because its a a good show and also Mike is obsessed with anything to do with outer space.

It was such a nice Easter. I really am not used to being treated so nicely but I love it.
EEEEEEEE <3 sigh.
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