Dec 04, 2005 21:40
well past few weekends havnt been great but they hav been ok.
dont even remember last weekend really so if ye can help me out would be kool.
this weekend was a laugh on friday nite with gus leo feena angus and claire.
cinema then claires was a gd laugh with friends.
Saturday well town was completely shite hung about with leo and leo then met gus for a wee bit b4 he had to go back to work then leo and leo went to richards so i hung about like a fuckin idiot hoping to go to a party that eventually got cancelled how shite btw.
so fucked about even more spoke to folk etc then me mark and kris went to kris' house had a bit of a lawl.
came home 2day ate and shit feelin really non christmassy and shit dont really give a fuck TBH.
i hav a question btw why is it soo hard to find sumone that feels the same as yew do or a girlfriend,
i mean at this point ye like everyone cause yer desprate but wen ye really like sumone it never works NEVER i swear.
its fuckin shiiiiite i tell ye !!!!
HELP plz!