*sigh* Today was just like any other day. I woke up at 7 o'clock with Romeo scratching at my face. He need to go to the bathroom, but I was too lazy to get up. So he continued scratching my face. I took him out. We went back to bed until about 9 o'clock. I went to the gym. Lately my half an hour of cardio has been a killer. Before I didn't feel anything when I was done. But now, I wish someone would carry me out of the gym. I am sore, I am winded, and I want to die. I got home, talked to Danny, took a shower, did some more homework, than came online for a minute. Than I went to school.
English class was first. I like that class. Right now it's been kinda boring but I know it'll get better. I got my paper back Monday and I got a 99 on my paper :) That is super good. lol I'm not worried about this class like I am with my speech class and my math class :/
Speech was next. Last night for homework we (the whole class) had to go on
fedstats.gov to find out three different statistics about our hometown state. I chose Rhode Island. :) Well, today we had to present a 3 minute on the spot speech that included the statistics that we found on that site. Well, I chose to go first just to get it over and done with. Bad idea! I didn't "cite" the website because I didn't think it was necesary to do since we all used the same site. Well I failed because I plagerized! WTF! I bet no one else would have cited the website either! So mad.
Oh! Guess what I did Monday. I applied for a job! Imagine that. lol I applied at a doggie day camp. I really hope I get the job there. I know that I would love that job. I get to play with doggies all day. And I could probably bring Romeo to work with me. It'll help him get socialized more, and spend time with me since he's such a baby and cries if I leave the room.
Today when I went to school, since he isn't 100% housetrained, he still has to go in his crate. Matt told me that when he got home Romeo greeted him at the door! lol That little Houdini! He escaped from his crate! lol I don't know if he knows how to do it, of if it was just pure luck. I'll find out tomorrow.
Romeo gets fixed on Sunday. hehehehe Mom says he won't be as aggressive and hyper. YES!
My spring break is next week :)
Dan come in 6 days! Tuesday I pick up Dan at the airport at around 11:30 am. Than I have to volunteer. I was going to do it the week after my break, but that's when the elementary school I am volunteering at has spring break. So I have to volunteer for an hour and a half. Than I take Romeo to the vet for a check up and some shots. I don't know if they're going to still want him to go considering he's being fixed on Sunday.
Well, I don't have much more to talk about. :/
Why do I get myself so excited? I knew you weren't going to do it. You are and have always been all talk.