(no subject)

Dec 02, 2007 19:25

Superb days & nights lately.
I've finally caught up with my work, and have been getting decent grades.
So really good news!
The boy, Reece.
oh boy. ha

In other words.. we partied friday.... and then had a sleepover.

OH! and It snowed!

The dorm is decorated so nicely for christmas. Rachel & I gift-wrapped the door, put up lights, stockings, and we have a mini tree with fake presents. horray for December.
It's nice to think that I will have a boy for the holidays! We open our advent calendars together.
we're corny.

Friday everyone partied for Scott's birthday. It was fabulous (the parts that I remember)
Lots of dancing. Our dance party made up for the two weeks that we hadn't had one.
I have so many bruises from falling into Jess' closet numerous times. jeez

So this week will consist of work work work, Thursday is Reece's birthday so we're all celebrating quite a bit because everyone is leaving campus next weekend for one reason or another.

NYC with Rachel!
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