god. losers.

Feb 25, 2005 12:42

rustingangel: omg thats jay
rustingangel: holy shit i wanted that young black girl to win
amazing aura: whhhhhhhhhat
rustingangel: fucking shit bag
amazing aura: no no no
amazing aura: kara saun cheated a little
rustingangel: on what
amazing aura: she got gratis from dollhouse and i was dirtbaggy about it she deserved to lose
amazing aura: all of her shoes were customed designed
amazing aura: for free
amazing aura: and everyone else had to use random shoes and pay
rustingangel: hmm yeah but her outfits were awesome
rustingangel: dont tell me they werent
rustingangel: jay wore fucking purple capris
rustingangel: thats a no no for a fat man
rustingangel: lol
amazing aura: her final runway outfits were ugly
amazing aura: she used furs and leathers
amazing aura: and jays looked awesome
rustingangel: fine fine fine
rustingangel: im just happy that that doll faced ugly dude didnt win
rustingangel: the really flamboyant dude
rustingangel: and that bitch didnt win...the one with the blond hair
amazing aura: wendy pepper?
amazing aura: yea she sucked
amazing aura: and austin wasn't even in the final 3
amazing aura: jesus get with the times you loser
rustingangel: yeah i know well im just glad he didnt win
rustingangel: hes ugly ahaha
amazing aura: hahah he's like jay malskys dream man
amazing aura: want to go get matching tamagatchi's today?
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