Mar 25, 2008 08:25
I like it here already.
-Since the 1970's, the average US home has grown by 80%. Yet American's face a "storage crisis," according to UCLA researchers.
-The self storage industry is only 35 years old. It took 25 years for the first billion square feet of storage space to be built. The second billion square feet was built in just 8 years.
-Last year, Americans spent 7 billion on organizational products for their homes, closets and garages.
-Container store staff are trained to develop an "emotional connection" with customers. Says a salesperson, "When someone comes in to organize belts or shoes, there is usually a bigger problem."
-American women would rather organize their closets that lose weight, according to a 2005 Rubbermaid survey.
-After a Massachusetts family moved into a smaller home in 2005, the mother was, "very depressed," until they converted their den into a "Costco annex."