(no subject)

Nov 13, 2006 22:08

i'm using my work-out time to post cause i exhausted myself practicing this evening and i'm just too *falls over* to get any working out done. so here i am posting, cause that's like...productive or something. O.o

my recital is in about 20 days and i'm about a month behind where i should be in preparations for it. *freaks out liekwo* if i work my cute little butt off for the next 20 days practice til my fingers bleed, i think i can pull of a good recital...but the problem is that i have about 15,000 things going on the rest of the semester with about half of them having performances of some sort the week of my recital. there's talk of pushing my recital back to the first or second week of next semester january (in early january) to give me all of x-mas break to get extra practice...but i kinda wanna just get it overwith. i shall have to talk to ms.mcdonald about it tomorrow. *nods*

meanwhile, i decided on an outside area/cognate for my master's degree...i'm going to do instrumental conducting. haha. should be...interesting...O.o

so after getting 20 inches of my long beautiful hair cut off in august, i thought my new hairstyle was really cute...now that it's grown out a bit, i hate it. it's the most God-awful-looking hair i've ever had. i just can't do ANYTHING with it and even when i spend lots of times trying to style it, it just goes back to looking like crap 10 minutes later. i don't know what to do. it crossed my mind to get it trimmed and try to keep my short style, but then i started seeing pictures of my beautiful long hair and i want it back. i guess i'll just have to put up with looking horrible for a couple years until my hair is long again. woe.

major tom sleeps too much. i find myself randomly going over and wildly shaking the cage just to wake him up and make sure he's still alive. i think i need a ferret that's the happy-medium between ziggy and major tom. ziggy's got this new thing of flying across the room and chomping down on my foot, then not letting go. that or he crawls up my pantleg and bites my calf. it hurts.

i had hoped to spice this post up with pictures, but i actually don't really have any new ones worth sharing. i got an obnoxious new mp3-player/camera/video/cell-phone last weekend, but so far i have no way to get the pictures that i take with the phone...OFF of the phone. yeah, it's pretty dumb.

since my obsessing over josh groban has gone extreme this past week, i was scanning through my folder of like *cough700+cough* pictures of him and passed one of him with howard shore. i was like "holy crap! i totally forgot that i had a picture of them together!" then i realized.......oh yeah, i made that in photoshop. *facepalm*
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