Apr 28, 2006 12:39
and its absolutely gorgeous outside =D
So i havent updated in awhile...truth is i never have time anymore. im rarely on the computer between work, errands and chillin. haha.
quick update on my life...
i work almost everyday now at PACSUN in the Smithhaven Mall. jen, josh, heaher and liz are pretty chill kids. =D [ visit us ]
i no longer eat meat. it's one of the best feelings. i feel healthier and my eating habits are much better now that i actually have to be conscious of what im eating.
i now wear a size 3 pants...this is only important to me cause i havent worn a 3 in like 2 or 3 years. and that was depressing. im proud of myself for once. haha.
2 nights ago i saw the CHARIOT, MAYLENE and the SONS of DISASTER, Pillar and POD for free at the nokia theater in times square. the place was adorable and i met so many awesome kids. <3tanya, brenna, odle, robbie, acid will, seth<3 and everyone else im sorry i forgot your names but you r001. tanya was so much fun. we pretty much clicked instantly. club dancing in the middle of the pit and tipping back outside on the dl. haha, best girl '06. she goes to NYU so well chill sometime soon. =]
i met robbie who i used to talk to on 'myspace' all the time years ago but i didnt even know it was him til today. im furious. haha. hes a beautiful boy. not gonna lie.
MAYLENE was amazing. def one of my favorite bands right now. they made my night. even though i got stabbed and punched a nigger in the face. haha.
Sonny from POD was gonna come outside and get me and george since we couldnt get back in but it got really late and they had to bounce. but i did talk to rob from pillar for awhile and i got his autograph for my mom since she loves them. =P overall it was a good night. thanks pete =D
last night i went to misery signals. it was like a fucking family reunion...
amanda rothenbucher: we hugged for like 10 minutes. i missed her so much.
shawn chiesa: havent seen him in almost a year...hes a sweetheart.
matt fabien: it hasnt been that long but def missed him.
michelle and diana: best girls. they can always put a smile on your face and it sucks that i dont get to see them very often. =/
spetum steve: cut all his hair off but it looks really good. =]
noelle: looking beautiful as always<3
kenny: havent gotten to chill with that nigguh in like a month...too long for us to go without seein each other.
frank: i def missed him even though its only been a couple weeks. lol.
then there was dean, alex, big alex, kyle, nickaa, kim, christina, nikki...awesome kids i wish i could see more of.
and of course my little love doves that i spend my life with.
<3 Cherie, Michele, Emily, Steve Jahn, Micah, Terry, Pete, Rob DA, Brian Benjamin <3
i love you all.