Jul 30, 2005 00:26
and I really dont know why. I got it for free tonight from some guy who interns at WLIR (107.1). He gave me a Piebald cd too. I was pretty psyched. Thanks guy. =]
So yeah, I still hate the summer. The beaches are so disgusting. The weather is so disgusting. Americans in bathing suits are disgusting. Bugs are everywhere. My hair drives me crazy. [I wish I didnt care.] People are extra bored...and hot. With all the boredom, drama is elevated to celestial levels. Everyone's cranky and gets easily pissed. (GOD IM A BITCH IN THE SUMMER...more so i guess.)
oh and mostly I really hate how expensive gas is. seriously wtf. $2.50 for one gallon. thats horrendous. makes driving around aimlessly a lot less fun. =[