...the past 5 years. Im not sure but i think its when people dont have a backbone....when people are too scared of what their friends, their enemies, or just people in general will think/say about them if they do something out of the ordinary.
Im not talking about clothes or music or hair or anything superficial like that...Im talking about bigger things: life choices.
I know im not one to talk cause i do and say things that i shouldnt but im working on changing, growing up i guess you could say. And its really hard to change. Its really hard to say goodbye to things you once loved. Its really hard to explain to people that youre growing up without sounding like youre playing superior. Moreover, its really hard to keep your mouth shut. Its really hard to walk away when someone spits in your face (metaphorically speaking haha). Its really hard to get hurt and not retaliate. But its really easy to watch your friends and family die slowly and not do anything to save them for [fear] of rejection or being laughed at.
I think im gonna try something different. Try to be there for people any and every time they need me regardless of how they treated me in the past. And do so with out an attitude. Ive always been a grudge holder but i think its time to let everything go. As cliche as it sounds, life really is too short to cry over when someone says nasty things about you behind your back, or doesnt call you when they said they would, or getting ditched or being left out. Suck it up cause its just gonna keep happening cause thats how people are.
As for me, Im done caring about silly things so i can finally focus on whats important. You need me...you know the number. ;)
Keep it real killas. hahaha. ( ok that was a joke)<3