Sep 08, 2005 09:18
I'm too tired to go to school.
You see, it's not because I am lazy, or that I don't want to be here.
But for some reason, I am very.. fatigued.
I have a migraine that's going on day number 5 now
And my eyes hurt every time I'm outside.
I wanted to get to school early to get a good parking spot.
Now i have to wait another hour and 15 min before class starts.
I feel like sleeping on this bench that I am sitting on.
I've also been stuttering a lot, and for those of you who know me
(in person, not over the fucking internet..)
You know that I do not stutter.
I might just be a hypocondriact
But I think i might have a brain anuerism
They tend to run in my family, everyone has had one except my mom and I so far.
I have most of the symptoms...
I talked to my aunt last night about it
And when I was telling her what I've been going through,
She said it might just be a severe migraine.
And then I told her about the stuttering
She said I should go see a doctor.
They stick big plastic tubes into the artery in your leg
And make you do a cat scan
And all of this other crazy shit.
I'm not really down for that.
I feel like I'm going to pass out right now.
On the lighter side, Pam is coming down today so we can sign the lease for our new apartment.
I'm very excited about this. I love her very very much for moving here with me.
I don't know what I'd do without her.