Mar 02, 2005 15:48
Hello all.
I tyred to update this thing yesterday for the first time sence November, but livejounal was all "Hey look at me, I'm a fuck head and somthing was wrong with the update... BLAAAAH!"
So I shall try to remember what I said yesterday.
I just kinda ranted for a bit about how I hadn't used this for a while which i guess dosn't matter because I don't have a link to it in my profile so I don't think anyone reads it anyway...
Now that I got that out of the way...
I really have nothing to talk about.
I'm bored as fuck, and I have to write an essay pretty soon, so yeah... Fuck.
Lets see... I shall not go rant about polotics today for I am much too lazy... But I promise a rant about Bush's stupid ass idea to privatize social security next time.
Not that anyone will read it, but who gives a fuck?
Diana is in Flordia all this week.
My birthday is on the 12th, thats kind of cool.
I'm really fucking hungary.
I'm Done.
Fuck You.
Peace, Love, Unity.