Apr 05, 2007 12:00
I have some time to kill before Megan picks me up to go home so I guess I can write in here for once.
Past month...well.
Failed my LG reinstate test. Yes, after 7 years and passing it 14 times I failed. So that basically means I am no longer qualified to do the job I've been doing since I was 16. I'm retaking i on saturday so hopefully I don't suck at life then. And I have to drive all the way to freakin' Noyes to do it. I'm a south side girl. Fuck that noise.0
Really getting freaked out about graduating. That's all I have to say about that.
I think I'm going to start volunteering at the ARCW. Amber's in charge of this volunteer thing and asked if I would do it since she needs more people who are over 21 to help, so I think I'm going to do it. I spend the majority of my nights at the bars anyway...why not be doing something constructive with it some of the time.
I am finished with my survey for my senior soc project. Learned a couple of things from it. Mainly, people are not nice. I am never hanging up on someone on the phone ever again. At least be polite and say no thank you. Bastards. And the ones that aren't mean are quite chatty and are apparently willing to tel complete strangers their entire life stories. Not exaggerating. I learned from one guy that he had to have lung surgery, had it done at Mayo...told me his doctor's name. He was also once engaged, but she cheated on him and broke it off and then got raped and shot and he hasn't heard from her in a few years. Just answer the freakin' questions. I don't need your commentary. But we got 140 responses, so that's a decent sample size. Only bad thing was we had to use landlines and mostly called during the day, so we have just under 50% of the sample 60 or older. Now I just have to reteach myself how to use SPSS and then I can actually see if anything is significant and can finish up everything. All in all the project hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I already have over 10 pages and that not including any tables or resutls or anything. Go me.
Ok, done with nerdy school stuff. I am officially no longer single and am in a relationship. It's facebook official, so you know it's real. Pretty happy with things so far even though it hasn't even been a week. I had forgotten just how nice it is to date and have someone to cuddle with and whatnot. Even though I still sleep like shit at this house since I'm not used to it. And I have a twin bed so here is pretty much out. I really do need to get a big girl bed. Other than that, its going well. It's just my worst nightmare to turn into one of those people that's always hanging out and doing things with the other person and never see their friends anymore. Like my heinous roommate. Don't think that'll happen though. Marissa and Laura will kick my ass before it gets too bad.
Ok I think this has killed a sufficient amount of time. And I still have to pack and eat, so I'm going to go do that now.