Jan 02, 2007 01:04
I think this was the best New Years I've ever had. Granted, there hasn't been much competition in the recent past...probably as long as I didn't fool around with some random guy or with my ex-boyfriends *2* best friends, this could have been the best ever. Neither here nor there. Basically left the party at my house at like 11 since I either didn't know/didn't like pretty much everyone there, and went to the Bodega with Marissa, Tim and Chris. Marissa left around midnight...was a little weird hanging out with those 2 without her, but it was absolutely hilarious a tthe same time. Tim really is one of the funniest people I've ever met. I think the highlight was when he kept talking to the 'Russian' girl Chris knew and she looked like she was going to kill him. Had to be there...
So Aaron came to the Bodega after he left my house...which he was at while I wasn't there. WTF. I'm attracted to the weirdest people. For serious. Slept over at his house...good times had by all. I *think* we had the whole 'relationship talk' but not really sure. He asked me how I felt about the friends with benefits thing and then said something along the lines of how he sometimes thinks he's just "damaged goods" and how he doesn't know if he has the energy for another serious relationship. So I don't know what the conclusion of the whole thing was. I even told Marissa exactly one week ago that I couldn't handle doing the friends with benefits thing again. Granted, the situation with Ben was totally different, but still. I don't want to put myself through something like that again. And I think I'd be fine just being his friend - I really do genuinely enjoy his company. Even if he does always seem to smell like weed. What the fuck. Seriously. I don't know what I'm doing. He's fun and makes me laugh and that's about all I'm looking for right now.
Ok, that got a little scatterbrained near the end. He's just so weird. I can't believe how small the circles we run in are. It's impossible to meet anyone new since everyone is somehow connected.
I realized I really haven't been eating lately. Like practically anything. I'm not really hungry a lot though and I go through almost an entire day and then look back and it dawn on me that I've consumned like 300 calories total. Weird. I'm not anorexic or anything (I've actually put on a quite significant amount of weight, no matter if other people think I'm on crack for htinking so. Seriously have become plumpy) but I just don't eat. I should work on that one.
Ok going to bed now. My body is completly drained after going out so much the past few days.