I really want to move to a country cold, live near a beach so that i can take walks in the beach with the temperature cold rather than the stupid hot sun blazing. actually i just want to move to somewhere in europe. No i just want to move out of singapore. seriously its getting so boring, i wish we had big music festivals here, winter seasons so i can dress up in thick clothing rather then just a shirt and jeans and the occasional cardigan which gets me alot of "dude aren't u feeling hot?!?" and seriously, i hate the humid and hot weather, i want 4 seasons. Sigh. so anyway, i felt it was time for me to try to pick up a book to read this year, did some online research and i've settled on Norwegian wood. its time to hit the cafes again!
and just a new postrock song i found today, Nyctalgia - Falling into nothing. hope you like it. :)
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