(no subject)

Sep 21, 2005 21:04

Ok so I had my Devereux interview for the residential assistant supervisor. I think I'll get it, but I think I don't want it. It MAY be evenings (it says day on the site, but she said evenings, but she's just HR) and it's the exact amount I make now, only more spread out (so less a week, but always a paycheck) but I don't know if I want that if I have to work around class. Luckily, this kid in my one class works at a different part of Devereux and I had asked him about the company and he took it upon himself to get an application for me from his supervisor and talk to her about me working there, so that's cool. His place is a school for autistic kids, so it's prolly the same as Opportunities but closer and a better boss. Also, the other job is with mental retardation, which I don't feel very comfortable aroun since I have never worked in that population before. Autism I know. We shall see. I just think it's cool that he emailed me, which means he looked up my address and everything, so that's cool. I love proactive help.

The new teacher started so I'm doing my real job now, out of the classroom. Thank god. And, the new guy is already annoyed by Sue and saying "that's bullshit" hahahaha. She told him he had to teach this history text cause she bought it for this class this year ( a new class this year) and we've totally had it for 2 years. LIAR!!! Today we got our negative lists back. She only gave us our own since we complained about them being graphed. So that's good. This was funny: we have 10 (not counting the new guy, who didn't do the "task") staff members, and everyone needed to say something about everyone else, and if they were the same thing, Sue just wrote it once. I had 7 negatives, Denise had 6, Sue had 10 (she read them to us, they were FUNNY), but Mimma had 11!!! 11, and there are 10 staff members. So, last week we all told each other what we wrote, and Mimma wrote everyone's name next to their comment and there were two left, and they were both written in Sue's style of speaking, so she apparently wrote two negative things about Mimma. One of them was "Stop being a negative leader". Psshh. Ass. Then Mimma asked about it and Sue said "I don't know who wrote it, but I can tell they meant...." Then we talked about team strengths and weaknesses and my small group said that we lack morale and Sua told us that we lack morale cause we keep talking about each other behind our backs. HAHAHAHA...no, we love each other, it's cause YOU suck Sue!!! SUCK SUCK SUCK. Oh, and she told us she thinks "it's kind of funny cause I know who wrote each of my comments". Ass.

Done being negative. I can't wait for this weekend. My grandpa's coming over and we have ANOTHER wedding (yes, #7), but I get to hang out with Kimmie, so I'm excited!!!

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