Nov 03, 2005 15:39
hmmm, what to say what to say, school was fine today.....not a whoooole lot happened. i fiiiinally presented my project in mrs. hughes's was a pretty lazy day, movies both 3rd and 4th hour.....4th hour eeeveryone was tickling or massaging someone was fun.........i decided that derek fabian is sooo funny and the awesomest person i know hahahhahaha.......dan was gruuumpy today....still hasn't found his freakin wallet which has his court ticket thingy in it.....AND HE NEEDS he better find it......uuuuuuuuuuh joey is a dork hahahaha....lunch today was a lot of fuuun, i sat with al and ebs and ashabeeeee!! hehehehe...richard tried steeling my lunch...poop head hahaha...other than that not a whole lot more happened, i went and helped shelby 6th hr with mrs. hard, i decided that mrs. croels 6th hour is hoooorrible....not everyone but, SOME PPL drive me insaaaaaaaaaane...aaanyways hahaha...thats about aaaaall i have to say ttya'll lataaaa!!