Nov 25, 2007 13:44
Yesterday, we voted. Every time I vote, I do so with a grin on my face-I know that half the population of the world does not have that privilige, and even though by election day I was thoroughly fed up with being bombarded by election advertising, it is wonderful to be part of the process. We live in a marginal electorate-until Friday held by the so-called Liberal (but really very conservative) Party, but now held by the slightly left-of-centre Lobour Party. I have met both our new member and our former member of parliament, as well as a few of the unsuccessful candidates several times-my impression is that pretty much everyone who stands for parliament is basically likeable, but I know that many people will vote for the person that they have met "because he/she is a nice person". From a VERY early age, I have been fascinated by politics and I always stay up until the losing leader concedes victory-it was clear fairly early the Liberals had lost, but they didn't concede for quite a while. It appears that the (now former) Prime Minister has actually lost his own seat, something which happened in 1929, but never before or since. Some people might be upset, but nothing could please me more!
Then, after we voted, we got changed into our better clothes and went to a sort-of wedding. Our friends Janis, Kat and Lyzzi' parents were married in 1977, and yesterday we went to the service of affirmation of their vows. When they were married, Meg wore a royal blue flounced dress with red floral trim and a red lacy shawl (very 60s-70s hippy type look). I know what it looked like because yesterday, their three girls wore pretty much the same outfits (Janis actually wore the original shawl) as bridesmaids. The service was adapted from the traditional marriage service with a few necessary alterations (we weren't asked if anyone objected, for instance). They exchanged rings engraved with the number 30, and Bruce's mother gave their three girls rings which were made from her mother's (i.e. the girl's great grandmother's) rings-Janis had a diamond and 2 sapphires, Kat a diamond and Lyzzi a diamond and two rubies.
It was a lovely service, followed by afternoon tea in the Church hall. They asked that instead of normal wedding presents, that their guests buy food or presents for the Christmas hamper drive for the Church. Which means that their joy has been shared around.
Then we went home and watched the electoral numbers come in.
What a great day!