And finally spring kicks in. Today was a beautiful day, my ideal weather. It was overcast but warm, with a cool breeze. It has been the warmest day of the year so far (13 degrees), and it's supposed to be even warmer tomorrow (16 degrees). This makes me very happy. I skipped fourth period today to chill with Lisa, Liisa and Gunjan, since I never do anymore. It was really fun; when I came home I told my mom I had a bad headache in the afternoon, and the only reason I went to fifth was because I had a presentation. She bought it, but told me to call her first next time.
All this week I've been researching different universities, because I'm supposed to study three different occupations for careers class that I may be interested in pursuing for post-secondary education. So far, I've been thinking of majoring in something broad like history, philosophy or english, and then looking for jobs as either a journalist or book editor. That kind of major would be perfect for me I think, because it doesn't close very many doors, and I can change my mind about what occupation I may want to pursue without changing my major. I still have two years to decide for sure, though, so I shouldn't even be worrying about this right now.
Things, in general, have been great. I'm so proud of my academic standings thus far in second semester, my average right now is about an 84. The band is auditioning for Artsfest on Monday, and I'm very excited. Also, I'm going to try out for the improv team again, and since there are only a couple of people left at The Weeds which were members last year, I think I have a pretty good chance. Artsfest will be awesome, because so many of my friends are auditioning. It would be awesome if we all got in. If you're not already auditioning for Artsfest, think of something and try out! It doesn't hurt to audition.
Well, that's all. I have two essays and a careers assignment due tomorrow, so I'd better get cooking.
(_) ...been drunk?
(X) ...smoked pot?
(X) ...kissed a member of the opposite sex?
(X) ...kissed a member of the same sex?
(_) ...crashed your own car?
(_) ...crashed a friend's car?
(_) ...been to Japan?
(X) ...rode in a taxi?
(_) ...had anal sex?
(_) ...been in love?
(_) ...had sex?
(_) ...had sex in public?
(X) ...been dumped?
(_) ...shoplifted?
(_) ...been fired?
(_) ...been in a fist fight?
(_) ...had a threesome?
(X) ...snuck out of your parents house?
(_) ...been tied up (sexually)?
(_) ...had sex with a member of the same sex?
(_) ...had sex with a member of the opposite sex?
(_) ...been arrested?
(X) ...made out with a stranger?
(_) ...stole something from my job?
(_) ...celebrated New Years in Time Square?
(_) ...gone on a blind date?
(X) ...lied to a friend?
(X) ...had a crush on a teacher?
(_) ...celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans?
(_) ...been to Europe?
(X) ...skipped school?
(_) ...slept with a co-worker?
(_) ...been fisted or fisted anyone?
(_) ...thrown up in a bar?
(_) ...purposly set yourself on fire?
(X) ...eaten Sushi?
(X) ...been snowboarding?
(X) ...been happy with yourself?
(X) ...met a movie star?
(X) ...been naked in front of another person?
(_) ...had a mental illness?