Dec 23, 2020 03:02

Character's Name: Rufus Shinra
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Timeline: Roughly a month after the events of Advent Children
Age: 23
Canon Resource Link: Empire

Name: Cocoa
LJ: momijizukamori
E-Mail: cocoa[at]tokyo-tower.org
IM: momijizukamori
Characters played at Discedo: N/A

Personality: To those first meeting him, Rufus comes off as cold. He's generally polite unless pushed, but instead of this politeness being genuine and respectful, it's a way of distancing himself from others. Politeness is a weapon in his hands, and he is fairly open about his disdain for those he considers below him. He's capable of faking interest and friendliness if necessary, but he usually doesn't bother unless he stands to gain a lot from it. He's also known for having a bit of a short temper, although he's gotten better at controlling it as he's gotten older. Aside from the moments where he visibily loses control of his temper, he tends not to show his feelings - if he's smiling, it's entirely devoid of any actual happiness and generally means trouble for someone. His very dry sense of humour occasionally makes itself known, but at best you'll get a sort of distant amusement - any laughter is reserved and not particularly genuine.

From the way he acts, it's also very clear Rufus is three things - proud, stubborn, and a control freak. Getting him to admit a fault or apologize for something, even if he was in the wrong is difficult at best - by AC he may be willing to admit some mistakes, but he's far more likely to take critcisim silently and apply it without bothering to inform its source. He's smart, handsome, and wealthy - and he knows it. He doesn't strive to make himself the center of attention, but he's extremely self-confidant. He's precise in everything he does, and his appearance and accommodations, while somewhat austere, are always in perfect order. He may not be the one visibly in charge of a given situation, but he's quick to spot lines of power, and won't ever let others control or use him - everything he does is because /he/ wants to do it.

Rufus's near-miss with Weapon forces a bit of a perspective change on Rufus between the original game and Advent Children. In the original game, his primary driving force seems to be defining himself as seperate from his father - thus his intial speech to the party about how he plans to rule the world with fear, as opposed to his father's tactic of ruling through money. His planning is short-term, reactive. In Case of Shinra and Advent Children, we see a shift to a more proactive, long-term type of planning. He's realized that he doesn't have to be the center of attention, his name on everything, for actions to benefit him - on the contrary, many hold ShinRa to blame for Meteor and the destruction of Midgar, which means that his name on a project is a detriment. He suggest the plan of building a town on the edge of the Midgar ruins, with the Shinra emergency supplies to Kylegate, letting him take credit for the implementation, and it's strongly implied that he's one of the chief backers of the WRO in AC and DoC. Neither of these acts, however, are entirely selfless ones - while he is honest in his desire to help revive the Planet, and make up for his father's sins, Rufus has realized that the way things were being run were, ultimately, bad business. In funding the restoration of the Planet, he's also working towards a world where Shinra can exist again as a major power. This is also his reason for manipulating Kadaj in AC, and keeping Jenova out of his hands - the reappearance of Sephiroth or Jenova would throw his plans out of sync.

While dealing with Geostigma and being in essence a wanted man (if his continued existence were to be made public) has forced Rufus to rely on others - the Turks in particular - he still hasn't opened up a great deal. To those few individuals who /do/ manage to get past the wall of chilly politeness - which requires equal parts pure stubbornness, and being skilled enough to earn his respect - there is actually some humanity to be had. He still won't show sadness or fear, but you may catch a genuine smile or laugh, or an honest opinion rather than the one that favors his situation the most.

What your character can offer: Rufus is fairly fit, even considering that his job is mostly a desk one, a fact that he prides himself on. He trained with the Turks, a fact which shows in a fight. Before his bout with Geostigma, his physical traits across the board were slightly above average. Currently, though, while he's still fairly agile, his endurance hasn't quite recovered from a year and a half of being sick. He is, however, still an excellent shot, with pistols, rifles and shotguns, and carries a custom built heavy pistol holstered under his jacket. His main strength is his intellect - while not superhuman, it's above average, and he has a knack for planning and seeing patterns below the surface of things. In the time since taking control of his father's corporation, he's become adept at reading and manipulating people into doing what he wants, without them being aware of it - for instance, the city of Edge was born out of his planning, though very few there know that.

What items will they be bringing with them? White suit, more durable than it looks (the way the Turks' suits handle damage in AC imply that while the weave is probably not true ballistic fabric, it has some of the same properties, and Rufus's suit would likely be the same). Custom-built large-calibre handgun with two extra clips (forty-five rounds total, between the gun and magazines), with matching custom shoulder holster. Restore, Haste, Lightning, and Barrier materia, all Mastered or close to, in a small wrist bracer (all obviously currently non-functional). Small folding pocket knife. LED penlight keychain, with attached keys.

!profile, !ooc

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