Jun 25, 2007 12:37
Rather then deleting it compleatly like I was going to originally do, I thought a different way.
All entries were saves in a text file, one by one and then Deleted
For the next 30 days, this will be a ghost page
Within the next 30 days a second link will be posted, a fresh start to a LJ, or just a link to a page where the few I know can keep in touch, or perhaps a Story line page, mostly so when I get a few min I can actually write something somewhere
Why..just that, a fresh start
Why all of the sudden? Changes...simply and complex at the same time.
Im not dissapearing, Im always around one way or another, just more in the shadows as my life has pulled me a lil too deeply into the light...lamens terms, IM WAY TOOOOOOOO BUSY to sit and type for more then a few min at a time these days. If Im not working its the bf and the kids who have my time.
Anyway...im here or there yet thats whats going on. Take care of yourselves till next we talk
Charmaine, Tanis, Keana, Kione, the many others Im known by or simply, Jen :)