Step 1: Open your Winamp or other lesser MP3 player.
Step 2: Put all of your music on random.
Step 3: Write down the first 20 songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing.
1. nerdy- poison the well
2. zero signal- fear factory
3. as your ghost takes flight- saves the day
4. you will move- burnt by the sun
5. you might think- the cars
6. when eye meets eye- blindside
7. reverse phycology- murder by death
8. cold shoulder on hott summer days- remembering never
9. her lucky pretty eyes- bane
10. billie jean- michael jackson
11. in the shape of stars- a jealousy issue
12. heaven tonight- HIM
13. son et lumbiere- mars volta
14. moshi moshi- brand new
15. coney island- deathcab for cuttie
16. monechetti- further seems forever
17. goodbye blue sky- pink floyd
18. im too sexy- right said fred
19. shot in the dark- children of bodom
20. love in autumn- 18 visions
blah, im a beach whore, and i'm white. friggn sun burn, my skin turns dark red, it hurts, its peels, i freckal. just what i need!! more of them! blah.
and i went to the movies, first time in a long a time. saw spiderman 2. omg, sooo goood. and my mom drove us there and she was like "im going to the movies when urs should be done, so why dont you just hop into mine" so we snuck in to see white chicks. that was a good movie but i wouldnt pay to go see it. my mom was like "gotta live life" so i can use that as an exuse to when she says no.
yesterday me and ash took a niiiice long walk on the beach.... naked. well i lied aboot the naked part. im such a nudist wanna be.
the other day i had an emotional breakdown and my mom said some really harsh things and then she felt bad and bought me a bird.
i dont know if its a boy or a girl yet and i need a name. HELP ME!!!!
and heres my report card.
fine arts A+ A+
english B+ B
history C+ C
geometry C+ F
gym A
bio B C+
latin B D
today i was suppose to go paintballing but my tummy hurts. and tomorrow i think i might go and see std, i hope that works out. i also cant wait until hellfest, i have no clue how im getting there or home but whatever. im definatley going friday cause i have a free ticket pass thing. word.
what do you do when you just can't stop think about somebody? i also need help with that one.
age: 16
height: 5'6"
name: jess
weight: 127
hair?: brown and blonde
eyes?: blue
school?: north
band: at the moment.. pink floyd
singer: chris conley
rapper: outkast
food: chicken
color: i like em' all!!!
tv show: undecided
movie: right now.... donnie darko
kind of music: 80's music
friend: ashley
place to be?: my room, shows, and the beach
drink: snapple, water, and shirley temples
video game: kelly slater pro surfer, vice city, and gta
Do you...
drink: sometimes
smoke: sometimes
do drugs: nope
think you're gothic?: no
think you're punk?: no
think you're popular?: no
have a girlfriend?: i dont think me and ash are "going out"
sing?: yeah, in the shower and i sing along to michael jackson and std
dance?: yep
party?: yea
have piercings?: yea
have tattoos?: i have a hearti gave my self if that counts
want tattoos?: yea
if so, what and where?: something on my wrist and back of my neck
want peircings?: yea
bite others?: yea
have any scars?: lots of em
enjoy taking surveys?: when im bored
if not, why are you taking this one?: ...
enjoy being alone?: yea, it depends
consider yourself to be happy?: sometimes
consider yourself to be depressed?: yea
want to have kids?: yea, eventually
do you think you've been in love?: umm, im not sure
how many times?: idk
do you think you're in love right now?: love is a strong word...
have a crush on someone?: no, crushes are so 4th grade
who: ...
do you want to get married?: yes
how long do you think it'll be until you do?: hopefully when i'm done with college
if you haven't had sex, do you plan on waiting till you're married?: no, but im not gonna like rush it, it happens it happens
Do you think it's wrong to date someone five years older than you: love is love
younger: that depends
ever been kissed?: yea
ever make out with someone?: yes
have you ever had sex?: nope
in the future-
what do you want to do for a living?: something with art
where do you want to live: in a little town away from it all
do you plan on going to college: yea
which college: i'm still looking
if you want children, how many?: i'll leave that up to the person i marry
if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, could you see yourself with them?: im boyfriendless :-(