TM #171 - What is the biggest mistake you've made in a relationship?

Apr 07, 2007 12:47

It's not my fault. I get that a lot of people say that when it comes to their mistakes but hear me out. See, when it comes to
relationships, I used to not do them. Had to figure, what's the point? That barcode on the back of my neck might as well be a target. 'Cause I had to face that from the day I busted out of Manticore, someone would always be looking for me. Always tryin' to track me down and throw my ass in a cage or some lab or send me back to that place.

Anyone else I decided to drag along for this bumpy ride they call life? They'd become a target too.

So I stayed hands off. Mostly. There was the occasional heat-related hook up. Blame it on my feline DNA. But it was strictly no strings attached. And when it was over with, I had to bounce. Nothin' personal. That was the whole point.

Then I met Logan Cale. What can I say? Boy got under my skin. Way under my skin. I tried to fight it. Tried to pretend he was just any other guy and that I didn't feel something for him I hadn't felt before. But it didn't work. Couldn't run, couldn't hide. If I tried, he'd just find me. He was good like that. Had all these resources and stuff.

He liked me, I liked him, sounds like your average fairytale, right?


Manticore eventually did get their hands on me again. They decided to make it worth their while too. Guess they'd tried to get to me through Logan before. But he's not the kind of guy you can break or even bend so easily. Their solution was to shove some retrovirus in me that was targeted to his DNA. I touch the average person and nothing happens. No infection, no latent reaction. I touch Logan and he dies. Painfully. That's kinda  the point when it comes to biological agents
anyway right? I've infected him twice already. Once was unknowing, the other was an accident. Since then, I've been careful to the point of crazy. You know those people who are all germ phobic and washin' their hands like a hundred times a day? Keepin' themselves in some self imposed bubble? Yeah, that's me. Just  Manticore's  little way of makin' sure I'm always gonna be their bitch.

The virus isn't even the mistake. It is, it's just not on me. It's on those mad scientists who cooked it up. My mistake was not sticking to the original plan. Not staying at arm's length from the rest of the world. If I hadn't let Logan get all tangled up with me then they'd never have targeted the virus to him. I could touch him and he'd be fine instead of bangin' on Death's door within minutes. So it's either be with Logan but be a liability to him, or be able to touch Logan but not be able to actually care about him. That's the real bitch of it. Besides the part where I'm Logan enemy number one.

Either way, I can never really have him.

Max Guevera
Dark Angel
520 Words
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