(no subject)

Aug 28, 2005 00:24

A damn fine day.

I spent the majority of today playing softball with a bunch of people I don't really know. My brother & I played 3 games in a tournament on a team that he got us on last night. It was pretty sweet. We didnt' win the tournament (1-2) but I hit quite well & made a couple of nice plays including a spectacular diving catch.

After that we came home for some bbq and then headed to the beach for an evening swim. Amazing day for it. The water was so calm it looked like you skip rocks all the way to the other side of the world. I would've took a picture for you all, but I'm real wise & left my cameras in the apt in Halifax. Go team me.

After the swim Matthew went drinking with some friends & I drove around and hung out with my cousin Jennifer like we used to when we were 16.

Now I'm surfin' the net & makin' a mixed tape. Oh so very old school.

Days like today remind me why I loved growing up here. A day of baseball, an evening on the beach, a night with friends & time to my self all at once. Those always were my favorite days. Still are.

anyay here's a pic that mom took of me playing ball. Maybe later I'll do a quick edit & post one of matthew & I, but we will see.

later cats.




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