Title: Three Wishes.
dametokillforFandom: Avenged Sevenfold
Synyster Gates [Brian Haner Jr.]/
M. Shadows [Matthew Sanders]Summary: A fluffy little drabble about what Brian would use his three wishes on.
POV: Third
Brian Haner had always wondered what he’d use his three wishes on if he ever got the opportunity. It was a hokey thought, he knew that but the idea fascinated him. From films like Wishmaster right through to Aladdin (his excuse for this one being a younger sister), the idea had always been something which had taken a firm root in his mind.
He was pretty sure he’d use the first wish on something totally selfless, like world peace. I mean, everyone would get something out of that and it’d be one hell of a pick up line. (“So beautiful, I managed to end all international conflict, fancy a drink?”). Besides, Brian was a good man, he wanted to give something back to a world which had given him so much.
Which brought him to his second wish. He’d use that one to cure all the world’s ills. Cancer, AIDs, Paris Hilton. Get rid of it all, make the world a happier, healthier place. Which in turn would make everyone happier and be totally selfless. He was pretty sure these two wishes alone gave him the right to choose something completely self-indulgent for his third wish, which was where he was having the trouble.
Guns N’ Roses back together would be all well and good but who’s to say it would last? And he was already obscenely attractive and wealthy enough to live comfortably. He didn’t need cars or houses. He decided bringing Dimebag back would probably result in a zombie - which in some ways would be seriously awesome but at the same time would most likely result in his first two wishes becoming somewhat redundant. Wiping his ex-girlfriend off the face of the earth would also conflict with the first rule. Unlimited wishes just seem pointless, if he can’t figure out a third, why would he need a zillion more? And creating a modern horror film which didn’t suck was something so impossible, he wasn’t sure even wishes could manage it.
So after a long while deliberating this with himself, he puts the paper he was half reading down and looks across to his partner.
The younger man doesn’t even look away from the film he has on, something about killer pterodactyls that’s synopsis had made him laugh.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Don’t call me that.” Brian scolds, before moving onto his original topic, “If you had three wishes, totally unlimited. What would you use them for?”
“World peace.” Matt says, counting it off on his hand.
“Cure for cancer and shit.” Matt continues.
“I refer you to my previous comment.”
“And one more second with you.” He says, looking across to Brian now, “Because no matter how much time I have with you, I always want that little bit more.”
Brian stares at him for a moment, not saying anything. Matt’s sure he’s trying to figure out how to express how much that means to him in a totally manly and not gay way - despite the obvious problem there.
So when Brian opens his mouth again, Matt’s not surprised to hear, “Fag.”
He just smiles and looks back at his movie, “I love you too.”
Brian rolls his eyes and turns back to his paper, smiling to himself behind the broadsheets, content now that he’ll know exactly what to wish for should a genie ever come his way.