Jul 09, 2012 10:34
Every so often I get it into my head that I am going to take Sundays and just stay away from the internet. Actually, it was more of a stay away from the computer thing than just the internet but internet was a big part of that. It's always been one of those "best intentions" types of things with me, though. Or something like I'd check all my stuff when I got up and then not look at it again until before bed. Which I told myself was okay because it wouldn't interfere with my day. This would last for a week or two and then I'd just forget about it. It's never been something I was able to keep up with.
In church right now we're doing a series on the Sabbath, its meaning and what it should mean for us. And it's really been driving home the whole thing of taking a day to just unplug from everything, to just sit back and look at everything I've been given and ignore the should do, need to, have to, forgot to that comes with every other day of the week. It's a day to forget the to do list, the emails, the "duties" I have and just be. And I think, as hard as it is going to be to ignore that small voice in my head going, "But shouldn't you be doing this instead?" I really need to make an effort to do that. To unplug from the 24/7 world and just be in the moment. I want to appreciate all I've been given and all that Christ has done and is doing for me. I want that day to recharge my battery. We all need a day like that. As Pastor David has said, God didn't take that seventh day to rest because He was tired or wiped out. He took it so he could sit back and revel in everything He created.
So from Sunday morning to Monday morning I am going to start getting away from this online world that often consumes and makes up my list of should do and need to. No worrying about commissions or deadlines, texts or phone calls. And I'm just going to give that day over and let God lead me where He will.
In unrelated news I am trying to get in to see my cardiologist today. Or soon. Remember that whole fast BPM stuff? Well it went higher over the weekend. And my smarty pants roommate looked up the side effects to my arthritis meds and found out irregular heartbeat is listed under the severe side effects. So that's happening.
Now it's time to go do dishes. Because it needs to happen.
health - heart,
random - thoughts