Jun 18, 2012 12:45
Yesterday I started something some people call a cleanse, some call a diet. I don't know what it is, but it's a different way of eating for me. After being told a couple weeks ago that wheat has a great deal to do with arthritic symptoms I have tried and subsequently failed to cut back on my wheat intake. My problem is that I am such a carbs girl. I love carbs more than my own mother. Okay, I may be exaggerating. But only a little. So Blue told me about this thing she was doing with Mojo for a week and it sounded interesting. Best part? No wheat whatsoever! Worst thing? Coffee the way I like it is so totally out. Still, I decided to put my big girl shorts on and try it out. Yesterday was day one.
Day One: All fruits except bananas. Eat as much as you want!
Score! I LOVE fruit! Yesterday was absolutely lovely as far as eating went. I cheated with my coffee and used half and half because I cannot drink it black. It will make me gag. But I was good and omitted the sugar. I can drink coffee without sugar, I just like it better with. Also there is a soup you make for the week that you can eat as much of as you want. It has cabbage and celery in it, two things I hate with a passion, onion, red pepper, crushed tomato but I used diced instead. Mine also has the allowed carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. And I added my own spices but don't ask me how much of what. I know what spices go well together and because of that I cook like my dad; I add until it tastes good. And this soup is so good! Even with the celery and cabbage.
I lost .4 lbs and it's only that little because I wasn't drinking water. Today I am drinking water and running to the bathroom every ten minutes or so. Curse my tiny bladder!
So all this to say so far, so good. I'll check in tomorrow to tell you how this day of all veggies is going. So far? Eh.
self - weight