Jul 23, 2011 12:21
Just fair warning, this is a rant about the shootings in Norway. What I have to say may or may not upset you but I'm pretty upset myself right now. Read at your own risk.
This is not a good thing that has happened. It seems like every other day there is something happening, something terrible and tragic, and this just adds to the long list of things we have to witness and experience to some degree. It breaks my heart.
Now here's where I get mad.
I follow a certain person on Twitter who need not be named, but this person has been giving reports on news reports as they come in. One of the tweets said something about this shooter being Anti-Muslim. After which came another tweet that said, "He's a Christian. Of course."
Now, I don't know this person that well in real life but I've been following them long enough to know their opinion about religion in general has never been very high. So firstly, I know it wasn't an, "Aw man, of course they're labeling him a Christian because of this stupid act!" comment. It was more of a "he's a radical so it makes sense that he's a Christian" type of comment. And that just makes me mad. Secondly, just because the man is anti-Muslim does not automatically make him a Christian! He could be a Nazi, or a Buddhist, or have his own freaky religion no one has even heard about!
This. This right here is one of the many reasons Christians have a bad rap. We're not all right-wing extremists. We're not all Black or White. Don't sit there and say that this guy has to be Christian because it's an easy label to give him right now.
And also! Just because someone says they're a Christian does not mean they really are. A real Christian is a person who loves first, above everything else. They are supposed to be a living example of Christ's love. Not not judge, to uphold and to care. It's certainly not to kill. Do we make mistakes? Do we still sin even though we love the Lord? You better believe it. We're human beings. It happens.
But to just haul off and say this guy must be a Christian because of certain circumstances is just pure and simple bigotry.
And that is my rant. Disjointed and chaotic as usual, but it had to be said.
random - rant