I have a real update, and then I'll leave/link to the video that has me saying that. First I should stop and pick my jaw up off the floor.
This morning I saw my PCP and she says my neck looks good. She was like, "Wow! They did a really great job with this!' which made me super happy to hear. I have a hematoma or some such like that? Basically a little bubble of blood (blud?!) under my skin that should go away in a month or two. In the meantime, she thinks it is a good idea to go ahead with the cardiac rehab program, and to also see a lung specialist to be double safe.
I told her I started looking online for things that matched my symptoms and she told me that wasn't a wrong thing to do, either. She was like, "We can't find anything and we don't have as much time to pour through things are you do." I just have to make sure I cross reference and all that when I find something that might fit. She was actually encouraging me to look, and does want my lung doc to do more testing for Sarcoid. So, we'll see. All I know at this point is that I love her, and thank God for her every time I see her because I have never had a better doctor.
Yesterday I started work on the final chapter. It started out with a fight scene, which I had no idea was coming. I like it, though. I'm interested to see where it goes. Lord help me if the next book has Cavalon in it. He'll end up running the show and I do not want that to happen.
Anyway, have some videos! The first one goes along with the blud?! thing. It's amusing.
Click to view
And this I found on Failblog this morning.